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Signatur: Erd 3 (30) East
Bracewell, Wendy ; Drace-Francis, Alex [Hrsg.]:
Under Eastern eyes : a comparative introduction to East European travel writing on Europe. Ed. by Wendy Bracewell and Alex Drace-Francis. Vol. 2. - Budapest u. New York: Central European Univ. Press 2008. XII, 388 S.

»This volume of studies asks how the limits and divisions of Europe have been imagined from the continent's Eastern half; what textual strategies and political purposes have shaped east European travel writing; and how these ideas and representations relate to and illuminate broader currents in European culture and society« (Klappentext).
Der Begriff »East European« umfasst geographisch den Raum von Tschechien und Polen bis Griechenland und der Ukraine, jedoch nicht Russland.
Reiseorte: Europa; Ungarn; Griechenland; Afrika; London

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