Katalog - Unscharfe Suche

Signatur: Lu 76:9
Jefferson, Thomas:
Beschreibung von Virginien. [Aus dem Amerikanischen übersetzt.] - Leipzig 1789. S. 1 - 130.

Originaltitel: Notes on the state of Virginia; written in the year 1781, somewhat corrected and enlarged in the winter of 1782, for the use of a foreigner of distinction, in answer to certain queries proposed by him, respecting its boundaries, rivers, sea ports, mountains, cascades and caverns, productions mineral, vegetable and animal, climate, population, military force, marine force, aborigines, counties and towns, constitution, laws, colleges, buildings, and roads, proceedings as to tories, religion, manners, manufactures, sujects of commerce, weights, measures and money, public revenue and expences, histories, memorials, and state-papers. Paris 1782 [i.e. 1785].
Fortsetzung des Beitrags aus Bd. 8 der "Beiträge zur Völker und Länderkunde".
Reiseorte: Nordamerika; USA; Virginia