Katalog - Unscharfe Suche

Signatur: Ls 110 (1)
Sharp, Samuel:
A view of the customs, manners, drama &c. of Italy, as they are described in the Frusta Letteraria; and in The Account of Italy in English, Written by Mr. Baretti; compared with The Letters from Italy, written by Mr. Sharp. By Samuel Sharp, Esq. - London: Printed for W. Nicoll 1768. [2] Bl., 82 S.

Antwort von Sharp auf Barettis »Account of the Manners and Customs of Italy«. Baretti reagierte wiederum mit einer Gegendarstellung: »An Appendix to the Account of Italy in answer to Samuel Sharp«, London 1768. Sie ist hier beigebunden.
Reiseorte: Italien