Signatur: Kart A 921.21
Gritzner, M. C.:
Plan Of Constitucion and Port at the Mouth of the River Maule. Lat. 35°21' Long. 72°29'. Soundings in Feet. Drawn by M.C. Gritzner C. E. - [Washington] [1850?]. 1 Plan. Lithographie.
(The U.S. Naval Astronomical Expedition to the Southern Hemisphere.)
Maßstab: Circa 1:21.000
Fußnote: Titel unten links. - Maßstabsleiste (Yards). - S oben. - Mit Tiefenangaben. - Inselkarte. - Oben links: U. S. N. Astrl. Expdn. - Unten rechts: Maps and plans No. 7. - Aus: The U.S. Naval Astronomical Expedition to the Southern Hemisphere.
Geographisches Register: Constitución (Chile)